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No War with Iran!
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The map below is from www.iranbodycount.org a new site run by the highly reputable folks from Iraqbodycount.org. Anyone who's still puzzled by why the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, if not because of 9/11, Osama, WMD's, or Saddam, or why the Oil Administration is so reluctant to discuss a timetable just needs to take a good look at this map.

As in real estate, so in geo-political military strategy: "Location, location, location."

1. Iran lies directly between the oil reserves of the Caspian Sea and the Gulf.
2. Iran is also between Iraq and a very hard place, both now bristling with U.S. military.
3. Iran is now completely surrounded by countries with US ties and/or military bases.

  Peace Action New York State
P.O. Box 600, JAF Station, New York, NY 10116
646 723 1749